Cash Flow Surges


Cash Flow Surges



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This rank is automatically awarded to everyone who registers on our private membership association site!


Initiate Lv1

Unlock this by having more than 40 status updates and 100 gems

You've Mastered 1st level in Breaking Free From Mind Control & Taking Ownership!

Requirements: 2

Write an activity stream message 40 times

Reach a balance of 100 Gem Credits


Initiate Lv2

Unlock this by having more than 60 status updates, 200 gems, and 200 gold

You've Mastered 1st level in Unlocking Your Ultimate Vitality!

Requirements: 3

Write an activity stream message 60 times

Reach a balance of 200 Gem Credits

Reach a balance of 200 Gold Credits


Initiate Lv3

Unlock this by having more than 100 status updates, 500 gem, 500 gold and 500 emeralds

You've Mastered 1st level in Building Superior Connections!

Requirements: 4

Write an activity stream message 100 times

Reach a balance of 500 Gem Credits

Reach a balance of 500 Gold Credits

Reach a balance of 500 Emerald Credits


Initiate Lv4

Unlock this by having more than 200 status updates, 800 gems, 800 gold and 800 emeralds

You've Mastered 1st level in Tapping Into Infinite Wealth Surges!

Requirements: 4

Write an activity stream message 200 times

Reach a balance of 800 Gem Credits

Reach a balance of 800 Gold Credits

Reach a balance of 800 Emerald Credits


Initiate Lv5

Unlock this by having more than 500 status updates, 1000 gems, 1000 gold and 1000 emeralds

You've Mastered 1st level in Living A Life Full of Legacy!

Requirements: 4

Write an activity stream message 500 times

Reach a balance of 1000 Gem Credits

Reach a balance of 1000 Gold Credits

Reach a balance of 1000 Emerald Credits


Initiate Lv6

You've Mastered 1st level in Igniting That Surge!

Requirements: 1